Every morning, Exacto knife in hand, Peter Jacobs sits down to read the newspaper. When he finishes, two to three hours later, the newspaper resembles Swiss cheese and the images he has excised from it have been transformed into a 9 by 12-inch collage. Every day since March 31, 2005, Jacobs has made a collage solely from that day’s newspaper. He hasn’t missed a day, not even when he travels.

Eric Levin The Montclair Times

Visit each of the complete first three years

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Peter Jacobs, who has been involved with the art of collage for over two decades,has developed a complex visual language that seeks to reconcile the rational with the irrational. Jacobs' collages are usually comprised of spliced images applied to an architectonic framework. The stability of the architectural foundation allows him to juxtapose incongruous elements that, in spite of themselves, produce a singular cohesive vision. Instinctively the artist seems to assert the primacy of visual relationships over knowledge: in his world it is color, line and space, not reason, that are determinants of logic. The art of collage, as a reconfiguration of discarded images, is a medium destined to render order out of chaos. Jacobs has understood this inherent dilemna and resolves it in a manner that is decidedly postmodern.

Passages of humor and wit, beauty and nature, psychology and rhetoric, coexist as a fragmented though unified whole. Indeed, Jacobs continues to reconsider the formal aspects of collage while adhering to the basic principles of its Cubist origins,as an ironic form of expression.

Marina Delaney
Chair: Visual Arts Dept., Dowling College

There is an inescapable momentum to this artist’s project, and part of the excitement of his work is the anticipation of what will come next; in the news, in the art, and on the imaginative plain where the two intersect.........

Eve Schaenen Writer for The New York Times
